
IGCSE Paper 1

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  • What does PAFT stand for?
    Purpose - Audience - Format - Tone
  • Explain the meaning of the phrase: "mindlessly roaming"
    Walking around with no purpose
  • Is this a proper greeting for an email to a friend? "Hey Axel, how have you been?"
  • In Question 3, Directed Writing, will you get more marks for writing or for reading?
  • Is this a proper greeting for an email? "Dear John, Hey, how are you?"
  • To get a full mark for summary, try to write more than 120 words. True or False?
  • Explain the phrase: "She played with the minutely detailed brilliancy."
    She demonstrated the highest level of technical skill, while paying close attention to every single note.
  • Explain the meaning of the phrase: "unparalleled bravery"
    Unique/exemplary/ outstanding courage
  • Name at least one difference between the interview and the dialogue in Paper 1 Q3.
    Dialogue is more informal / Dialogue is not meant to be published / Interviews are usually with someone interesting to the public etc.
  • It's okay to provide statistics in your speech. True or false?
  • How many texts are there in the insert?
  • Explain the meaning of the following phrase: "irreconcilable differences"
    disputes that cannot be resolved
  • Only use formal language in your speech. True or false?
  • In Question 3, which of these descriptors of comprehension is consistent with the highest band: competent, general, reasonable, thorough, very general
  • You don't need to write a conclusion to your summary. True or false?
  • Are you allowed to invent details in Question 3?
    Yes, as long as they help you create context.
  • In the Writer's Effect, will you get a higher mark for analysing imagery or explicit+implicit meaning?
  • What happens to a relationship if it goes south?
    It ceases to exist.
  • Explain the meaning of the following phrase: "this pales into insignificance"
    This is less / almot not important
  • For question 2C, you need to choose one example to analyse. True or false?
  • What does P stand for in PERFECT?
    Personal anecdote
  • In the Writer's Effect question, you will get a 0 if you don't write about the effect of the language used. True or False?
  • Explain the meaning of the following phrase: "no mean feat"
  • What do you do if you give someone the benefit of the doubt?
    You believe something good about someone, rather than bad, when you can do either
  • Why do you need to start your writer's effect analysis with an overview?
    To be able to choose better examples and make your analysis more well-rounded
  • In Question 3, there are 3 bullet points you have to cover. True or false?
  • You should provide your opinion on the text in the summary. True or false?
  • In the summary question, you will need to summarise the entire text. True or false?
  • In Q3, you should only state the purpose of writing in the introduction. You can introduce your opinion later on. True or False?
  • You must rephrase the rubric in your Q3 introduction. True or false?
  • Which of these is an example of emotive language: "sweltering", "hot", "very warm"
    "she dashed"