
Asking for information at the train station

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  • Which platform does the train to Rakhiv leave from?
    it leaves from platform 9
  • Which day are you coming back?
    We’re coming back Friday evening.
  • It’s just around the corner, over there!
    Could you tell me where the ticket office is?
  • The next train is in 30 minutes.
    What time is the next train?
  • It will be 13.55$
    How much is the ticket?
  • Every 30 minutes.
    How often do the trains arrive?
  • Where can I buy the magazine?
    The news agent’s is over there, next to McDonalds.
  • How often do the trains arrive?
    Every 30 minutes?
  • How much is the ticket.
    It is 13.55$
  • Yes, it is not far. It’s by the park.
    Could you please tell be where museum is?
  • it leaves from platform 9.
    Which platform does the train to Rakhiv leave from?
  • What time does the museum open.
    From 8am till 7pm
  • We’re coming back Friday evening.
    Which day are you coming back?
  • Could you please tell be where museum is?
    Yes, it is not far. It’s by the park.
  • It leaves at 7.
    When does the train to Kyiv leave?
  • Sure it will be 30$ for two tickets.
    Can I pay by card?
  • From 8am till 7pm
    What time does the museum open?
  • Can I pay by card?
    Sure it will be 30$ for two tickets.
  • The news agent’s is over there, next to McDonalds.
    Where can I buy the magazine?
  • Could you tell me where the ticket office is?
    It’s just around the corner, over there!
  • What time is the next train?
    The next train is in 30 minutes.
  • When does the train to Kyiv leave?
    It leaves at 7