
Wonders 3.2 Week 6 Review VC

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  • The student was very ____ that day because she was nervous for the test.
    tense (adj)
  • The _____ mother fell asleep on the couch after working all day.
    exhausted (adj)
  • That person is my ____, which means he's my best friend.
    mate (n)
  • Honey's ____ is that it is sticky and sweet.
    property (n)
  • The student was ____ because she stayed up all night studying for the test.
    exhausted (adj)
  • The child ____(ed/d) on the apple and it was very loud.
    munch (v)
  • If you want to build a chair, you must first collect the ____(es/s).
    material (n)
  • Make sure to hold onto the ____ when using the stairs.
    railing (n)
  • It was hard to smell, but the ____ smell of cherries came from her room.
  • The sound was so ____ that the teacher barely heard it.
    faint (adj)
  • I exercised too much yesterday and now my back is _____.
    tense (adj)
  • I did not have any _____, so doing yoga was very hard.
    flexibility (n)
  • Honey's ____ is that it is sticky and sweet.
    property (n)
  • The students were filled with ______ because class ended early!
    enthusiasm (n)
  • The ____ of learning English is to be able to travel to other countries.
    purpose (n)
  • Because the water is _____, only our feet get wet.
    shallow (adj)