
Needs vs Wants

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  • Is having the new pair of Jordan shoes a need or want?
    Want. Shoes are needed, but you don't need designer shoes!
  • Is water a need or a want?
  • Is going out to eat every night for dinner a way to save money?
  • If you go on a bike ride with your friends, are you saving or spending money?
  • Are video games a need or a want?
  • What is your full time job right now?
    Being a student!
  • Is your employee ID # the same as your social security number?
  • Is ice cream a need or a want?
    Sorry, but it is a want!
  • How can someone save money on groceries?
    Write a grocery list, shop sales, use coupons, etc.
  • Is going to the movies with friends a want or a need?
  • Is having CANDY a need or a want?
  • What is taken out of your paycheck?
    Taxes, Deductions, Etc.
  • What should you do with your paycheck?
    Save it, put it in the bank, have a plan for spending, don't waste your money!
  • Is having a HOME/Shelter a need or a want?
  • Why is it important to know how to read your paycheck?
    Open answers.
  • Why is it important to save money?
    Open answers.
  • Give an example of a WANT.
    Open answers.
  • Should you save your money for emergencies?
  • What is the minimum wage in Illinois?
  • Give an example of a NEED.
    Open answers.