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  • Why do we give gifts to the poor on Purim?
    We give gifts to the poof because we are told to in the Megillah.
  • What are you dressing up as this year for Purim?
    no correct answer!
  • How did Achashverosh react when Esther came to see him without permission? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Achashverosh was excited to see Esther, and asked her what he could do to help her.
  • What do we do when Haman's name is read in the Megillah? Answer in a complete sentence.
    When Haman's name is read, we make noise!
  • What is this called?
    Mishloach Manot
  • What was Haman's big plan? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Haman's plan was to kill all of the Jews in one day.
  • What are the Four Mitzvot of Purim?
    Megillah, Seudah/Mishteh, Mishloach Manot, Matanot Leevyonim.
  • What Megillah do we read on Purim? Answer in a complete sentence.
    On Purim, we read Megillat Esther.
  • What is one similarity between Esther and Yosef? Answer in a complete sentence.
    One thing that Yosef and Esther have in common is... (beauty, hidden identity, rise of power, strength and courage)
  • How many parties did Esther throw for Haman and Achashverosh? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Esther had 2 parties for Haman and Achashverosh.
  • Who has the mitzvah to listen to the Megillah on Purim? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Everyone has the Mitzvah to listen the Megillah on Purim.
  • Name one tradition of Purim. (Not a Mitzvah!)
    Eating Hamentashin, wearing costumes
  • When Mordechai was standing outside the palace, he heard two guards planning something. What were they planning? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Mordechai overheard the guards planning to kill Achashverosh.
  • How many times is the mitzvah of hearing Megillah? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Some families hear the Megillah twice.
  • What happens when Achashverosh can't sleep? Answer in a complete sentence.
    When Achashverosh can't sleep he reads from his book of records and he remembers that Mordechai saved his life. He wanted to reward him.
  • What did Esther tell the Jews to do when she heard about Haman's plan? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Esther told the Jews to fast for 3 days and pray.
  • Why do we have a seudah on Purim? Answer in a complete sentence.
    We have a Seudah on Purim to remember Esther's parties.
  • Who was the queen of Persia before Esther? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Vashti was the queen of Persia before Esther.
  • Why was Esther scared to go in front of Achashverosh? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Esther was scared to go in front of Achashverosh because he did not call her, and you do not go to the king without being called.
  • Who was the king of Persia? Answer in a complete sentence.
    Achashverosh was the king of Persia.
  • Fill in the blank. ___ was upset with Mordechai for not bowing down to him.
    Haman was upset with Mordechai for not bowing down to him.