
Story Elements (The King and his Dragon)

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  • Feeling quite proud of herself, she moved further out of the corner and started to do a dance, which made the kids laugh. What story element is this? A. Plan , B. Feelings, C. Action
    C. Action
  • I am what goes wrong in the story.
  • What is an antonym for the word, "quickly"
  • When Gerta saw the children, she "cowered in a corner". What do you think cowered means. SHOW ME -----TELL ME
    SHOW, TELL: crouch or duck down in fear
  • What is a synonym for the word "shrieked"?
    shouted, screamed, yelled, etc.
  • One day, a group of kids were on a field trop to visit the king and his castle. What story element does this describe? A. Problem, B. Liftoff, C. Feelings
    B. Liftoff
  • What is the lesson (wrap up idea) of the story?
    Answers will vary (something to do with facing your fears)
  • I am the time and place of the story.
  • Gerta was not sure to do when the kids approached the castle. She considered crying so they would leave her alone. What else could she have done?
    Answers vary (talk to the king about her fears, find a quiet place where the kids won't see her, fly away/escpae, etc.
  • I am the things that the characters DO to solve the problem.
  • When Gerta felt brave enough, she inched her way out of the corner. What does inched mean, what context clues help you find the meaning of the word?
    Inched: Move slowly/carefully in another direction. Context clues: "slowly" and "out of the corner"
  • I am the event that gets the story started.
  • Why do you think Gerta was terrified OF children?
    Answers vary
  • There was a brave king and a dragon named Gerta
  • The king's castle.
  • Why was Gerta surprised that the kids thought she was "cool"?
    Answers will vary
  • I am how the problem is eventually solved or resolved.
  • Gerta went to bed that night knowing she'd overcome her lifelong fear of children. What story element does this describe? A. Feelings, B. Solution, C. Action
    B. Solution
  • I am what the characters WANT TO DO to solve the problem.
  • I am how the characters in the story feel about the events that happen
  • Gerta knew this was her big moment...her chance to face her fears and get over her fear of children. What story element is this? A. Plan, B. Solution, C. Wrap Up
    A. Plan
  • I am the lesson or moral of the story.
  • The king's dragon was terrified of children. What does story element does this describe? A. Feelings, B. Problem, C. Both of the Above
    C. Both of the above
  • I am the people, animals, and things involved in the story.