
Story of the World - Activity Book 3 - Chapter 1 ...

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  • Who of Shah Jahan's sons rebelled and took over the kingdom?
  • Who was Shah Jahan's favorite son?
  • What was the name of the dynasty, descended from the Mongols, which ruled India?
    Moghul dynasty
  • What happened to Shah Jahan when when his son took over the kingdom
    The son, Aurangzeb, but his father in prison until he died.
  • How did Shah Jahan protect his claim to the throne?
    He put all his rivals to death --including his brothers
  • Why did Jahangir sign a trade treaty with James I?
    He wanted English traders to come and buy silks and spices.
  • What was the name of Sha Jahan's wife and who traveled with him and helped him rule?
    Mumtaz Muhal
  • What name was given to Jahangir's son Khurram when he became king?
    Shah Jahan or King of the World
  • What nickname was the emperor Jahangir given?
    World Seizer
  • What do we call the beautiful mausoleum that Shah Jahan built?
    Taj Mahal
  • Who ruled India while Shah Jahan built his beautiful buildings?
    Shah Jahan's four sons
  • Who did Jahangir invite to India?
    English ambassador
  • What was Dara like?
    He lounged around and was lazy.
  • When his wife died, what did Shah Jahan do to show the world how much he loved her?
    He decided to build her a tomb or mausoleum
  • Why did Jahangir Invite the English ambassador to India?
    So the two countries could be friends and they could trade with each other.
  • Was Jahangir a gentle and humble king or ruthless?
    He was a ruthless king. He ordered his father's best friend killed. He sentenced lawbreakers to be crushed by elephants or beheaded. He put their head...
  • What name did Aurangzeb give himself?
    Conqueror of the World