
Anything and Everything

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  • Who gets the dog when a couple splits up?
    They go outside and see who it runs to! The person it chooses gets the pet
  • What kind of people build their houses out of straw?
    Smart people! It’s fire resistant, resistant to earthquakes, inhospitable to insects, easily grown, has excellent soundproofing..AND a wolf can’t blow it down!
  • What instantly reduces the value of a house in America by a third?
    When it’s said to be haunted!
  • How can dog owners legally reduce their ecological footprint?
    Get rid of the dog! Legal, yet not quite ethically. A dog's environmental footprint is the equivalent of TWO Toyota Landcruisers' footprint!
  • What does "Pandora" mean in Greek?
    "All gifts". After Zeus created the first woman, Pandora, he ordered each God to give her a gift: Athena gave her wisdom, Aphrodite beauty, Hermes cunning, etc
  • What are babies born without?
    Kneecaps. Newborns are born with kneecaps that are made of cartilage, which is soft. Later as they grow and their bone structure develops and they harden.
  • What can be said about Calama, a town in the Atacama Desert of Chile?
    It has never, ever rained there!
  • What new kinds of divorces are available nowadays?
    Virtual ones
  • Why is Wednesday called that way?
    The mid-day of the week is named for the Norse God, Odin. He was also known as Woden or Wotan.
  • Who invented scissors?
    Leonardo Da Vinci! He also made designs for the parachute, diving suit and helicopter.