
Dead Poet's Society

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  • How did YAWP affect Todd Anderson?
    Todd was afraid of what people thought of him. He is also too afraid to speak in front of a crowd
  • what does the dead poet's society represent?
    freedom and individuality
  • How does the phrase "carpe diem" change each of the characters?
    Answer for Todd, Neil, Knox, Charlie
  • " I want you to find your own way to walk"
    Take hold of the situation and make things happen. Be yourself!
  • make your lives extraordinary
    live each day to the fullest
  • " Sucking the marrow out of life does not mean choking on the bone."
    Even if you live your life to the fullest, it doesn't mean you should behave irresponsibly or going overboard
  • describe how John Keating introduces himself to the class
    answers vary
  • "The powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse"
    Life, anyone can contribute to society.
  • " only in their dreams can men be truly free. T'was always thus and always thus shall be"
    Goals and reams give you something to strive for
  • What is the meaning of YAWP?
    Barbaric- loud cry
  • What latin phrase captures part of the theme of this movie?
    Carpe Diem- Seize the day
  • Throughout the movie the characters discover individuality. explain. For Charlie, Neil, Todd and Knox
    Some students start to make a stand for what they believe in! They want a say in what happens in their future.
  • explain "we are food for worms"
    We are all mortals, We will all die one day.
  • O captain, My Captain
    O wise man (Mr.Keating)
  • "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may
    take advantage of life while you can
  • What is the dead poets society?
    It is a group of people who get together to read and discuss poetry.
  • describe the setting
    Welton Academy, 1959. All boys dormitory school. The boys are approximately 17 years old.
  • Explain how conformity affected the boy's?
    they were used to being told what to do in order to please their parents and most figures of authority. They would conform to most rules to avoid also getting t