
English: Adjectives & Adverbs

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  • Identify the adverb: Yesterday Olivia asked for the new doll.
  • Which is correct: I think bullfrogs are the most interesting frog to watch. (Or) I think bullfrogs are the interestingest frog to watch.
    I think bullfrogs are the most interesting frog to watch.
  • Which is correct: The bullfrog has the most unusual sound of all frogs. (Or) The bullfrog has the more unusual sound of all frogs.
    The bullfrog has the most unusual sound of all frogs
  • The birthday party began ____. Answer the question: When? (Happily, Early, Outside)
  • Which is correct: The blue bullfrog is more noticeable than the green bullfrog. (Or) The blue bullfrog is most noticeable than the green bullfrog
    The blue bullfrog is more noticeable than the green bullfrog.
  • An ___ cow calmly looked ___ at the truck. (excited, old, rusty, soon, swiftly, up)
    An old cow calmly looked up at the truck.
  • The ____ boy jumped ____ onto the truck. (excited, old, rusty, soon, swiftly, up)
    The excited boy jumped swiftly onto the truck.
  • Write an expanded sentence by adding an adjective and an adverb: People watched. (many, patiently)
    Many people watched patiently.
  • Which is correct: A older frog spends most of its time in the water. (Or) An older frog spends most of its time in the water.
    An older frog spends most of its time in the water.
  • Write the adjective to compare the nouns: A green frog feels ____than a brown toad. (Smooth)
  • Write an expanded sentence by adding an adjective and an adverb: Ducklings waddled. (away, three)
    Three ducklings waddled away.
  • Which question does the sentence answer: Most frogs eat small insects. (What kind? How Many)
    How many?
  • Identify the adverb: Father lovingly told Olivia to be patient.
  • Write the adjective to compare the nouns: The bullfrog is the _____ frog in North America. (Big)
  • Which is correct: Female bullfrogs are largest than male bullfrogs. (Or) Female bullfrogs are larger than male bullfrogs.
    Female bullfrogs are larger than male bullfrogs.
  • Write the adjective to compare the nouns: The ____ frog of all can sit on a dime. (Tiny)
  • Father ____ gave her the new doll. Answer the question: How? (Outside, Early, Happily)
  • Olivia’s birthday party was ____ . Answer the Question: Where? (Happily, Early, Outside)
  • Which question does the sentence answer: The spotted frog croaked loudly. (What kind? How Many?)
    What Kind?
  • Identify the adverb: Olivia set the baby doll down.
  • Which is correct? The bullfrog has more powerful hind legs than a tree frog. (Or) The bullfrog has powerfuller hind legs than a tree frog.
    The bullfrog has more powerful hind legs than a tree frog.
  • Identify the adverb: Father kindly listened to Olivia.
  • Which question does the sentence answer: Three frogs jumped into the pond. (What Kind? How Many?)
    How many?