
Make and Let

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  • Schools_______us use the uniform (make/let)
    Schools make us use the uniform
  • Did your mom make/let you clean your room?
  • My parents______me stay home when I am sick (make/let)
    My parents make me stay home when I am sick.
  • Did your parents let/make you eat your vegetables?
  • What are some things your grandparents let you do?
  • The teacher makes/lets you choose your seat?
  • Do you let/make your friends use your things?
  • My mom______me go to school everyday (makes/lets)
    My mom makes me go to school everyday
  • What are some things your teachers make you do?
  • Lucy____her dog sleep on the sofa. (makes/lets)
    Lucy lets her dog sleep on the sofa.
  • What are some things your parents LET you do?
  • What are some things your parents MAKE you do?