
Food and Drink Quiz

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  • Name the 5 food groups
    Fruits, vegetables, grains, protein and dairy
  • What vegetable is this?
  • Besides eating healthy, what are some other healthy habits?
    1 hour of physical activity ever day, Drink lots of water (7 cups), Sleeping 8 hours a night...
  • Name 4 Foods that start with C
    Cake,Carrot, Cheese, Chicken,Candy...
  • How Many Portions of fruit we need every day?
  • Sushi is originally from what country?
  • Name 3 Foods that come from Animals
    Milk, eggs, chicken, honey, beef...
  • What do these foods have in Common?
    They all have Vitamin C
  • Name 3 Foods we should Avoid eating
    Fast food like Burgers, french fries, fizzy drinks...
  • What´s the Name of this Food?
  • Which one is the odd one out?
  • Guess the Foods by the Emojis
    1) hot dog 2) pineapple 3) eggplant
  • Name 3 Foods that start with B
    Banana, Butter, Beans, Bacon, Burger...
  • What does this represent?
    My plate is the current nutrition guide published by the USDA. It represent the amount you should put on your plate of every food group