
The Prince and the Pauper

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  • Who said this: "But nobody hits the Prince of Wales, so he hits me. That's my job."?
    Oliver Carpenter
  • Who is the king at the beginning of the book?
    King Henry VIII
  • When do you use these words: "Your Majesty"?
    When you talk to kings and queens.
  • Who said this? "This will make a great story for my sisters."
    Tom Canty (posing as Prince Edward)
  • Correct the sentence. "John Canty finds Edward in the crowd after he runs away."
    Miles Hendon finds him.
  • Correct the sentence. "Miles Hendon gives Edward orders."
    It's the other way around.
  • Give two synonims for mad.
    (1) angry, (2) crazy
  • Define what a banquet is.
    It's a fancy celebration. People dress up, feast and have fun.
  • What's the name of this palace?
    Westminster Palace (Palace of Westminster)
  • Correct the sentence. "Miles Hendon fought in France for the French king."
    For the king of England.
  • Correct the sentence. "John Canty kicks Father Andrew to the ground."
  • Who is the author of the book?
    Mark Twain.
  • What's the English version? SZOLGÁLÓ
  • Who saved Edward from the angry crowd?
    Miles Hendon
  • Why do people chant these words: "Long live King Edward!"?
    Because he is the new king after Henry VIII.
  • When do the servants wake Tom?
    At 8 am.
  • Correct the sentence. "Tom goes to the Guildhall by bike."
    By boat.
  • How many servants help Tom get dressed?
  • Who said this: "You are Edward, Prince of Wales, son of King Henry the eighth, King of England. Don't make me angry."?
    King Henry VIII
  • What does Hugo do to Edward?
    He takes him away from Mr Hendon.
  • Correct the sentence. "Tom's old grandmother is very kind."
  • Where does the story mostly take place?
    In London.
  • Why does the king think that Tom is the prince? Give two reasons.
    (1) They look very similar. (2) He is wearing the prince's clothes. (3) He speaks Latin.