
Civics Vocabulary

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  • Monarchy
    political system based upon the undivided sovereignty or rule of a single person
  • Commitment
    an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action
  • Declare
    to make known formally, officially, or explicitly
  • Community
    a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common
  • Census
    an official count or survey of a population
  • Governor
    the elected executive head of a state of the US
  • Mayor
    the elected head of a city, town, or other municipality
  • Communism
    society that seeks to create a classless society in which the major means of living are all shared
  • Dictatorship
    government where one person or a small group possesses absolute power without limitations
  • Naturalization
    the admittance of a foreigner to the citizenship of a country
  • Personal Sacrifice
    giving up one's own interests or wishes in order to help others or advance a cause
  • Federal
    belonging to a country
  • Citizen
    a legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth, either native or naturalized.
  • City Council
    the legislative body of a city
  • Local
    belonging or relating to a particular area or neighborhood
  • Anarchy
    society being freely constituted without authorities or a governing body (no laws/rules)
  • Municipality
    a city or town that has a local government
  • Legal Alien
    foreign-born United States resident who is not an American citizen
  • Oligarchy
    is a form of government in which a small group of people hold most or all political power
  • Coup
    protest and seizure by a political faction, politician, cult, rebel group, military, or a dictator to overthrow government
  • Militant
    military government, administration of occupied territory by an occupying power, including the exercise of executive, legislative, and judicial authority.
  • Principles
    a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.
  • Natural Citizen
    someone who was a U.S. citizen at birth, and did not need to go through a naturalization proceeding later in life
  • Rights
    a moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way
  • Non-Citizen
    a person who is not an inhabitant or national of a particular country or town