
Making suggestions

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  • Make a suggestion starts with "Why don't..."
    Why don't we read newspapers?
  • Make a suggestion starts with "Let's ..."
    Let's fix the car.
  • Make a suggestion starts with "Let's ..."
    Let's go swimming.
  • Make a suggestion starts with "Let's ..."
    Let's play chess together.
  • Make a suggestion starts with "How about...?"
    How about making a cake?
  • Make a suggestion starts with "Let's ..."
    Let's take photos.
  • Make a suggestion starts with "How about ...?"
    How about feeding the chickens?
  • Make a suggestion starts with "Why don't...?"
    Why don't we watch a football match?
  • Make a suggestion starts with "How about...?"
    How about playing volleyball?
  • Make a suggestion starts with "How about...?"
    How about visiting grandparents?
  • Make a suggestion starts with "Let's ..."
    Let's go to school.
  • Make a suggestion starts with "Why dont you...?"
    Why don't you do gymnastic?