
Ancient Greece

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  • Most of the Greek gods and goddesses were believed to have lived on...
    Mount Olympus
  • Who was the leader of Athens around the year 450 B. C. who made sure that all citizens could take part in government? He said that a man who takes no interest in the state is not harmless, but useless.
  • What is the name for a period of wealth and glory in Greece?
    The Golden Age
  • What is an orator?
    A person who is skilled in public speaking
  • Name a product from the Greek mainland that the Mycenaeans traded with the Minoans.
  • In a ___________________ every citizen is allowed to vote on government issues.
  • What is the name of a government with a single ruler?
  • Greece's ________ soil is not as rich as that of the Nile or Indus river valleys.
  • Neither Athens nor Sparta could gain an advantage during the Pelooponnessian War. As the war dragged on, a ____________ broke out inside the city. Among the dead was Pericles.
  • What is the name for a person who has rights and responsibilities in his or her country or community?
  • What is the name of the small units into which King Philip II organized his soldiers?
  • What is the name for a traded product?
  • What is the name of the type of government that is ruled by a small group of the richest and most powerful citizens?
  • Name a very important development of the Phoenicians.
    The alphabet
  • What is the name for Spartan farm workers who could not leave the land where they worked and had to pay half of their crops to their Spartan conquerors as taxes?
  • During the Peloponnesian War, Pericles ordered the Athenians to
    move inside the city walls
  • Name 2 crops raised in Greece
    Barley, wheat, grapes, olives
  • Athenian girls stayed at home and performed household tasks. They learned to...
    Weave cloth form sheep's wool
  • Name 2 examples of livestock that are raised on the hills and mountainsides of Greece
    Sheep, goats, cattle
  • The ruins of the _______________ are still in Greece today. This was a marble temple to Athena.
  • Who was born around 428 B. C. and wrote down Socrates' ideas and later became a famous teacher?
  • The ancient Greeks honored many gods and goddesses. This is known as ...
  • What is the search for wisdom and the right way to live?
  • Spartan boys and girls, at about age 7, began training to...
    Defend their city
  • Spartan girls could not be soldiers, but they trained to be...
    Strong mothers of strong children
  • Who was the Greek teacher who questioned the city's laws, customs, and religion? He was brought to trial for urging Athens' young people to revolt and was sentenced to death.
  • During the Peloponnesian War, Pericles ordered the Athenians to
    move inside the city walls
  • Ancient Greek writers, such as Sophocles, wrote _________ in which the main characters died and ______________ in which they did not.
    tragedies; comedies
  • Who one of the most famous ancient Greek poets? ( He wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey.)
  • The Golden Age of Athens ended with the ______________ _____.
    Peloponnesian War
  • What is the name for an open area near the acropolis where farmers gathered to trade with local craft workers?
  • What is a walled hill where people of the city seek safety during an enemy attack?
  • What are the two most famous Greek City-states?
    Sparta and Athens
  • What sea separated Greece and the Asian city-states?
    Aegean Sea
  • Name two products exported by the Minoans.
    Pottery, metalwork, wine, olive oil
  • Who was the Athenian orator who tried to warn the people about the danger posed by King Philip II of Macedonia? (He begged the Greeks to unite against King Philip, but only two city-states took him serously.)
  • What is the name of the large mountainous peninsula of the southern tip of the Greek mainland?
  • ________________ around the Mediterranean Sea for trading purposes was important in Ancient Greece
  • Greek merchants competed with traders from ________________ which is now Lebanon
  • Name two of the three cultures that influenced the development of Greek civilization.
    Minoans, Mycenaeans, Phoenicians
  • What is the Greek word for an independent city-state?
  • What kingdom to the north invaded Greece 50 years after the Peloponnesian War?
  • On what peninsula would you find some of Greece's farmland?
  • What is the name of the largest Greek island
  • What is the name for a group of citizens, rich or poor, who hear evidence and make decisions in a court of law?
  • Who was the Macedonian king who desired to conquer all of Greece?
    King Philip II