
Chit Chat 2, Unit 1-6 review

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  • What is Miffy doing?
    Miffy is skipping.
  • Translate: Bolí mě v krku. У мене болить горло.
    I have got a sore throat.
  • What is in the picture?
  • What is in the picture?
  • What's this?
  • What is in the picture?
  • What is the weather like?
    It is windy.
  • What is in the picture?
  • Translate: Zahni vpravo u knihkupectví. Біля книгарні поверніть праворуч.
    Turn right at the bookshop.
  • What is the weather like?
    It is snowy/snowing.
  • Translate: Jdi rovně kolem kina. Пройдіть прямо повз кінотеатр.
    Go straight past the cinema.
  • What is in the picture?
  • Translate: Nehrej si venku. Не грайся надворі.
    Don't play outside.
  • Translate: Jaké je počasí? Яка погода?
    What is the weather like?
  • Translate: Nejez zmrzlinu. Не їжте морозиво.
    Don't eat ice-cream.
  • Can he play football?
    No, he can't.
  • Translate: Bolí mě hlava. У мене болить голова.
    I have got a headache.
  • What is the boy doing?
    The boy is diving.
  • Translate: Kavárna je naproti parku. Кафе навпроти парку.
    The cafe is opposite to the park.
  • What is in the picture?
  • What is the weather like?
    It is windy and snowing.
  • Translate: Jaké je počasí? Яка погода?
    What is the weather like?
  • What is in the picture?
  • What is in the picture?
  • Can she swim?
    Yes, she can.
  • What is in the picture?
  • What is in the picture?
  • What is in the picture?
  • What is in the picture?
  • What is in the picture?
    drawer (chest of drawers) / cupboard
  • What is in the picture?
    market / greengrocer's
  • What is the monster doing?
    The monster is skating.
  • Can you ski?
    Yes, I can, / No I can't.
  • Translate: Kostel je vedle školy. Церква біля школи.
    The church is next to the school.
  • What is in the picture?
  • Translate: Pij hodně vody. Пийте багато води.
    Drink lot of water.
  • What is the weather like?
    It is storm/ stormy.
  • What is the fox doing?
    The fox is reading.