
Small talk questions

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  • If you could go anywhere next weekend, where would you go?
  • Are you really busy at the moment?
  • Is today your favourite day of the week? If yes: why? if no: which day is?
  • Are you reading anything interesting at the moment?
  • What was the last item of clothing you bought? Where did you buy it? Why?
  • What did you do last night?
  • Can you tell me anything that has happened in the news today?
  • Is the weather better than it was yesterday?
  • What are you doing after class?
  • How was your weekend?
  • What was the last sport you played or exercise you did?
  • Have you met anyone new today?
  • What did you watch on TV last night?
  • Tell me one interesting thing that has happened today.
  • What time did you get up this morning?
  • Has anything unexpected happened today?
  • What are you doing next weekend?
  • What did you have for breakfast this morning?
  • Who was the last person you messaged?
  • Can you recommend me a good film?
  • What did you have for dinner last night? Did you enjoy it?
  • What was the last song you listened to?
  • Can you recommend a good restaurant?
  • Describe your mood today in one word.
  • What's the next party you're going to?