
CE ADVANCED Unit 10: patterns with as ... as

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  • Help yourself to [all the chocolates you want]. I can't eat them all.
    as many chocolates as you want
  • According to Beaumont Diet, you can eat [an unlimited quantity of pasta] - but don't put any sauce on it!
    as much pasta as you want/like
  • Apparently, you can drive [without speed restrictions] on private roads.
    as fast as you want/like
  • John drove up the motorway [at maximum speed] - which wasn't very fast in such an old car.
    as fast as he could
  • Jane did [the maximum amount of work possible] in the short time she had available.
    as much work as she could
  • Now you can talk for [an unlimited period] thanks to the BT's new Talk Line mobile phone deal.
    as long as you want
  • Take [all the time you require] to finish the report. There's no hurry.
    as long as you need
  • I phoned my mother [at the earliest opportunity].
    as soon as I could
  • We had [no time limit] to make the recordings.
    as long as we wanted/needed
  • Although the weather wasn't good, we went to the beach [whenever it was possible].
    as often as we could
  • I phone my sister [at every possible opportunity], although phoning South Africa can be very expensive.
    as often as I can
  • They promised to come and finish the work [when it was possible for them to].
    as soon as they could
  • We'll send a taxi [when there is one available].
    as soon as we can
  • You can take [all the money you require] from the cash box.
    as much money as you want
  • I recommend that you sleep [the maximum number of hours possible] during the bus journey, as you'll have to start work early tomorrow.
    as much as you can
  • Although my aunt lives hundreds of miles away, I go [to visit her every time I am able to].
    as often as I can