
Tet Holiday

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  • Congratulation!
    Em đã nhặt được mụt chú lì xì!
  • What do they do on Tet holiday?
    They go to the pagoda for praying
  • What do they do during Tet holiday?
    They watch fireworks
  • What is it?
    It is a kumquat tree
  • What do they do on Tet holiday?
    They clean the house
  • Congratulation!
    Em đã nhặt được mụt chú lì xì!
  • What do they do before Tet holiday ?
    They buy new clothes
  • What do they do before Tet holiday?
    They decorate the house by...........
  • What food is it?
    It is dried fruit
  • What food is it?
    It is fried spring roll
  • Congratulation!
    Em đã nhặt được mụt chú lì xì!
  • What are they?
    They are apricot blossoms
  • What do they do during Tet holiday?
    They visit their relatives, friends, or teachers.....
  • Congratulation!
    Em đã nhặt được mụt chú lì xì!
  • Congratulation!
    Em đã nhặt được mụt chú lì xì!
  • When is Tet?
    Tet is celebrated in Spring
  • Tet is the time for family r..................
    Tet is the time for family reunion
  • What do they do before Tet holiday?
    They make Chung cake/ Banh Chung
  • What are they?
    They are peach blossoms
  • What food is it?
    It is boiled chicken