
Pop Culture!

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  • Which game made the flossing dance famous? Fortnite - Overwatch - Counter-Strike
  • Which of these four sitcoms is the oldest? Friends - Seinfeld - How I Met Your Mother - The Big Bang Theory
    Seinfeld (1989)
  • Which character was played by the same actor in both versions of The Lion King? Simba - Scar - Mufasa - Nala
    Mufasa (James Earl Jones)
  • Which of these companies almost bought Netflix in the year 2000 but didn't? -Amazon -Tower Records -Blockbuster -eBay
  • Which superhero video game is said to be the WORST VIDEO GAME of all time? The Hulk: Ultimate Destuction - Superman (N64) - Spider-Man (Atari 2600) - Batman: Arkham Asylum
    Superman (N64)
  • Which of these horror slasher icons was created first? Freddy Krueger - Leatherface - Jason - Michael Myers - Chucky
    Leatherface (1974)
  • Which of these actors was not previously a professional athlete? - The Rock - John Cena - Arnold Schwarzenegger - Hugh Jackman
    Hugh Jackman
  • What movie does Gizmo come from? Critters - Gremlins - Ghoulies - Munchies
  • How many live-action movies about Transformers have there been so far?Three - Four - Seven
  • Which of these films does not featue Keanu Reeves? -Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure -The Matrix -John Wick -Mission Impossible
    Mission Impossible
  • Who famously played Superman in the 1978 movie? Henry Cavill - Christopher Reeve - Michael Keaton - Marlon Brando
    Christopher Reeve
  • How many animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turltes TV shows have there been? Two - Four - Six
    Four (1987 - 2003 - 2012 - 2018)
  • 2 of these 2017 superhero movies aren't part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which ones? Thor: Ragnarok - Logan - Spider-Man Homecoming - Justice League - Guardians 2
    Logan and Justice League
  • Which of these colors is Goku's hair NOT able to turn into? Red - Yellow - Green - Blue
  • Which of these movies was NOT scored by composer John Williams? Superman (1978) - Star Wars (1977) - Batman (1989) - Harry Potter (2002)
    Batman (Scored by Danny Elfman)
  • Which of these female superheroes was NOT originally a villain? - Harley Quinn - Wonder Woman - Black Widow - Scarlet Witch
    Wonder Woman
  • Which of these famous anime shows was based on a video game? -Dragonball Z -Pokemon -Digimon -Sailor Moon
  • What fighting video game is the character Vega from? Tekken - The King of Fighters - Street Fighter - Mortal Kombat
    Street Fighter
  • Which video game character did NOT appear in Wreck-it Ralph? Sonic - Mario - Pac-Man - Ryu
  • Which of these characters did NOT originally belong to DC comics? Superman - Batman - Shazam! - Wonder Woman
  • Which of these characters has oficially died in The Simpsons? -Grandpa Abe Simpson -Maude Flanders -Mr. Burns -Duffman
    Maude Flanders
  • What TV show is this japanese giant robot from? Robotech - Mazinger - Voltron - Evangelion
  • Which of these 3 anime series is the oldest? Naruto - Dragonball - One Punch
    Dragonball (1986)
  • Which of these 80's cartoons has NOT had a recent modern remake/version? -Transformers -She-ra -Thundercats -He-Man -Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  • How many live action Star Wars movies have there been so far? Six - Nine - Eleven
  • Which of these Shakespeare stories is The Lion King based on? -Macbeth -King Lear -Hamlet -Romeo & Juliet
  • How many Ghostbusters movies have there been so far? Two - Three - Four
    Four (1984 - 1989 - 2016 - 2021)
  • Which company created Sonic the Hedgehog? Nintendo - Sega - Microsoft - Sony
  • Which of these youtubers is from Argentina? -Dross Rotzank -Marito Baracus -El Rubius -PewDiePie
    Marito Baracus
  • Which was the first Disney princess? Cinderella - Snow White - Belle - Aurora
    Snow White (1937)
  • Which of these famous basketball players starred in original "Space Jam"? -Shaquille O'Neal -Lebron James -Michael Jordan -Manuel Ginobili
    Michael Jordan
  • What is Eleven's favorite food? Oreos - Twinkies - Eggos - Cheetos