
School Facilities

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  • What is it?
    It's a canteen.
  • Who is she?
    She's the receptionist
  • What are they?
    They are the playing fields
  • Who is he?
    He's the sports coach
  • What is it?
    It's the reception
  • What is it?
    It's the ICT suite
  • What is it?
    It's a basketball court.
  • What is it?
    It's the corridor
  • What is it?
    It's the playground
  • What is it?
    It's the sports hall
  • What is it?
    It's a football pitch
  • What is it?
    It's the library
  • Who is she?
    She is the head teacher
  • What is it?
    It's the science lab
  • What is it?
    It's the changing room
  • Where can you see the time of your lessons?
    In the timetible