
Review unit 7

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  • What happened after the 2013 Kumbh?
    A stampede at the train station that killed 36 people.
  • The word root 'anti' means?
  • Make a sentence using the word "striking"!
    Depends on the answer.
  • What is the "psychological cooperation"?
    When people work together because they have the same purpose.
  • What is the meaning of "dissuade"?
    persuade someone not to do something
  • Mention two purposed of parades!
    military victories celebration, attract customers, ethnic affiliation
  • What is the meaning of the word root "mort"?
  • Make a sentence using the word "glimpse"!
    Depends on the answer.
  • What is a flash mob?
    An online group that secretly plans a performance in public
  • What is the meaning of the word root 'gress'?
    to step, to move from one level
  • The word root 'inter' means?
  • What is the meaning of the word 'shelter'?
    home, a place to stay, a safe place
  • Mention one reason why prehistoric people celebrated!
    spiritual, success in hunting, discovery of shelter, etc
  • Why did the stampede at the train station happen after the 2013 Kumbh?
    They saw the others as competitors for train seats
  • What is the result of Reicher's research?
    People who joined the Kumbh felt healthier than the ones who didn't.
  • What is the "Kumbh Mela"?
    A Hindu celebration where people bathe in certain areas to cleanse themselves of sin.
  • What was the original purpose of the Venetian Carnival?
    To celebrate the day before Lent
  • Why did the Carnival disappear for over a century?
    The Venetian Republic was conquered.
  • How many people come to Mecca for Hajj each year?
    Around 3 million people
  • The word root 'therm' means?