
Reporting Verbs FCE

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  • 'Why don't you get a haircut' He suggested.
    He suggested getting a haircut
  • 'Thanks for your help yesterday' he said to her
    He thanked her for helping him the previous day
  • 'Why don't we go to the cinema tonight?' Tom said to Jo
    Tom suggested going to the cinema that night
  • 'I didn't eat the chocolate bar yesterday!' 
    He denied eating the chocolate bar the day before/the previous day.
  • 'Please, please study your reporting verbs'
    He /she begged us to study our reporting verbs.
  • 'Don't do it again!' He warned them.
    He warned them not to do it again.
  • 'I would trust him with keys.' He advised me.
    He advised me to trust him with the keys.
  • 'Can we do anything to help?' (ASKED, us)
    They asked if they could so anything to help us.
  • 'I'm fed up with studying reporting verbs. It's really boring'. Gloria said
    Gloria complained about studying reporting verbs. She said they were really boring.
  • 'I wouldn't try to speak to him at the moment.' He warned us.
    He warned us not to try to speak to him at that moment.
  • She said, 'I promise I will help you with your homework next week' (PROMISED, me)
    She promised to help me with my homework. / She promised that she would help me with my homework the following week.
  • 'Study your reporting verbs or I'll fail you all'. The teacher said.
    The teacher threatened to fail us all if we didn't study our reporting verbs.
  • 'Don't forget to post my letter tomorrow' Sue said to me
    Sue reminded me to post the letter the following day.
  • 'Do it now' She told us.
    She told us to do it then.
  • 'I'm sorry I lied to you this morning' She said to him
    She apologised for lying to him that morning
  • 'We don't know the answer to this question!' They admitted.
    They admitted not knowing the answer  to that question.
  • 'Let's go for a coffee tonight.' He said
    He suggested going for a coffee that night.
  • 'Shall I make you a cup of tea?' 
    She / he offered to make a cup of tea
  • 'You really should try this restaurant. It's brilliant. She said to me
    She recommended trying that restaurant. She added that it was brilliant.
  • 'Don't forget to to call your grandma this evening!' She told me. (REMINDED)
    She reminded me to call my grandma that evening.
  • 'Maybe you should try it again.' He suggested.
    He suggested trying it again.
  • 'If I were you I would try the fish!' He said.
     He advised him to try the fish. He recommended trying the fish.
  • 'It's true. I stole your phone.' He said to Sue.
    He admitted stealing her phone
  • 'They should really visit the museum while they are here.' She said. (RECOMMEND)
    She recommended visiting the museum while they were there. / She recommended that they visit the museum while they were there.
  • 'Can I help you with those books?" He offered. (me)
    He offered to help me with my/those books.
  • 'No, I won't tell you who did it' He said.
    He refused to tell him who had done it