
Predicting: What Might Happen?

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  • What might happen if you leave the door open and your dog is inside?
    the dog might run away; someone else might come in the house
  • What might happen if you study very hard for your science test?
    you might get a good grade, you might learn cool things
  • What might happen in you are wrestling in the living room and break your mom's vase?
    she might get mad, you might get in trouble
  • What might happen if you finish your homework early?
    You can play, you can relax, or you can play on your iPad. But...please
  • What might happen if you drop pins or nails in your driveway?
    the car could get a flat tire, someone might step on them
  • What might happen if you don't put on shoes before you go outside to play?
    you could step on something and hurt your foot
  • What might happen if you climb too high in a tree?
    you might fall, you might get scared, you might get stuck
  • !What might happen if you forget to put the milk in the refrigerator?
    The milk will spoil. It will go bad. Yuck!
  • What might happen if you break one of your sister's toys?
    She might cry, you might get in trouble
  • What might happen if you cut in front of someone in the lunch line?
    they might be upset, they might tell on you
  • What might happen if you practice reading every day?
    you will get better, you will be able to read more books, you will learn
  • What might happen if you stay up really late on a school night?
    you might wake up late, be super tired, be late for school
  • What might happen if you return a lost jacket to a friend?
    the person will thank you, give you a reward
  • What might happen if you eat a full bag of potato chips?
    you might feel sick, you won't be hungry for healthy food
  • What might happen if...your mother catches you sneaking a cookie?
    you might get in trouble, you might have an upset stomach