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  • Which is _________: a cat or a dog? (friendly)
    Dogs are usually friendlier than cats,
  • Which is _____, the Burj Khalifa or the Shanghai tower? (tall)
    Burj Khalifa is taller than the Shanghai tower.
  • What is __________ gold or silver? (expensive)
    Gold is more expensive than silver
  • Which one is ______: a spaceship or bullet? (fast)
    A spaceship is faster than a bullet.
  • Who is ________, Captain America or Thor? (slow)
    Capitan America is slower than Thor
  • Which one is ______: a Ferrari or a twingo? (expensive)
    Ferrari is more expensive than twingo
  • Who was __________: Isaac Newton or Albert Einstein? (intelligent)
    Isaac Newton was more intelligent than Albert Einstein.
  • Who was __________: Nicola tesla or Thomas Eddison? (creative)
    Nicola Tesla was more creative than Thomas Eddison.
  • Who is _________ Hulk or the Rock? (strong)
    Hulk is stronger than the Rock
  • What is ______: sun or the Center of the Earth? (hot)
    The Center of the Earth is hotter than the sun
  • Who is ___________, Wanda or Black Widow? (powerful)
    Wanda is more powerful than Black Widow
  • Who is _________, Thanos or Spiderman? (tall)
    Thanos is taller than Spiderman.
  • Who is _________, Hulk or Captain America? (colorful)
    Cpt America is more colorful than Hulk
  • Where is ______ Antarctica or the North pole? (cold)
    Antarctica is colder than North Pole
  • Who is _____: Lebron James or Michael Jordan? (tall)
    Lebron James is taller than Michael Jordan (2.06m)
  • Which is _______, a truck or a car? (heavy)
  • Which is _________; the speed of the light or the speed of the sound? (fast)
    The speed of light moves 1 million times faster than the speed of sound.
  • Which is _____ a Eiffel Tower or a Lotte World Tower? (short)
    Eiffel Tower is shorter (330m) than the Lotte Word Tower (556m)
  • Who is _______, Deadpool or Doctor Strange? (funny)
    Deadpool is funnier than Doctor Strange
  • Which is __________, a dolphin or an ostrich? (smart)
    The dolphins are smarter than ostriches.
  • Which is ______ a turtle or a snail? (slow)
    A snail is slower than a turtle.
  • Who is ________, Black Panther or Rocket? (small)
    Rocket is smaller than Black Panther
  • Who sleeps more: a baby or a adult?
    A baby sleeps more.
  • What is _______ Lamborghini or Bugatti? (fast)
    Bugatti is faster than a Lamborghini
  • Who is _____ Flash or Captain America? (fast)
    Flash is faster than Cpt America