
Cutting Edge Advanced- Unit 2

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  • She's i________________ to the pain of others.
  • What did you say to Gelly? He's in ___________ of tears.
  • What's the matter with Haris? She_______________(lie) on her bed all day, staring at the ceiling.
    has been lying
  • __________ (complete) his education, he started looking for a new job.
    Having completed
  • Haris has a______________ of becoming an astronaut one day
  • I've looked everywhere for the cat - she's not here. Don't worry, she can't _______ (go) very far.
    have gone
  • She was m___________ by Gelly and Michael's behaviour.
  • It's very hard for me to comment, never _________________ (read) the book myself.
    having read
  • Remembering a joke he'd heard, Michael burst _______ laughing
  • I had a lovely day at the spa. It was great chance to p________ myself.
  • You may think it's funny now, but it'll be no _________ ____________ when you don't get any Christmas presents.
    laughing matter
  • Haris told the police that she ______(never met) Michael before that day.
    had never met
  • We were really uspet when we couldn't get tickets, but we had _____ ______ _______ when the concert was cancelled.
    the last laugh
  • She's late. Why _________ she _______(arrive) yet?
    hasn't she arrived
  • She's too s____________ to walk.
  • Michael's friend was s____________ by the news of her boyfriend's betrayal.
  • I'd like to _______ (meet) John Lennon.
    have met
  • In the beginning, Haris only s____ ___ ___ be top of her class, but now she's the leader of Mars
    set out to
  • I don't think we should paint the walls neon green. It might t______ people o_____.
    turn off
  • Many thanks to Michael for s_______ _____ this new music group.
    setting up
  • I _______(wait) for the phone to ring all morning. I can't stand it any more.
    have been waiting
  • I ___________(never understand) why people aren't prepared to queue in a civilised manner.
    have never understood
  • It can take a long time to develop new drugs, as the market is so h_________ r__________.
    heavily regulated
  • Haris' plan to torture the cat b______________ when the cat proved to be more intelligent than her
  • Haris __________ (never do) anything like this before in all the time I've known her.
    has never done
  • I know why Michael looks so tired - he _______(work) too hard recently
    has been working
  • I never f___ ____ at school - I had different interests from everyone else.
    fit in
  • The actor gave such an emotional acceptance speech that the audience was close to _________ by the end.
  • Life _______________ (be) much quieter since Stavro left home.
    has been
  • Next week is my first anniversary; I ________(work) in this department for exactly a year.
    will have been working
  • Gelly never revealed to the police where he ____________(hide) the money.
    had hidden
  • Rex used to believe his owner was God, but after seeing the new kitten, he's become very d__________.
  • Gelly prayed d___________ for the test to be cancelled.
  • Haris is easily w__________ __ by Gelly.
    wound up
  • They ought __________(check) the weather forecast before setting out on such a dangerous journey
    to have checked
  • Although it was my first visit for many years, I was surprised by how much the city ______________ (change).
    had changed
  • Suzanne _________ (drive) for just a few weeks when she had her first accident
    had been driving
  • The roads were all flooded; it ________(rain) heavily for ten hours.
    had been raining
  • The women at the party seemed to recognise me, though I couldn't remember __________(meet) her before.
    having met
  • Picard was d__________ when he found out that Stavros had destroyed the neighbouring planet.
  • Whatever you do, don't ask Gelly about VR - we'll be bored to _____________.
  • I ______(wait) for the taxi for the last 25 minutes.
    have been waiting
  • Gelly started to feel extremely a______________ about his new Metaverse avatar.
  • You've finished all your exams! I'm so e____________.