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  • “Yes, okay, I’ll lend you my dad's car tomorrow”. Gui said to Duki
    Gui OFFERED to lend Duki her  dad's car the following day
  • PEP: "It wasn't me! I didn't fart!"
    Pep DENIED having farted/farting.
  • PETER PARKER "I've been in love with you for a long time"
    Peter Parker ADMITTED having been/being in love with me for a long time.
  • “ I’ll wake up early. I will, honestly” Tricas said.
    Tricas PROMISED to wake up early.
  • My mother said, “Don't forget to make an appointment with the dentist”
    My mother REMINDED me to make an appointment with the dentist.
  • "I'll kill you, you son of a ..." MARTA said to me.
    Marta THREATENED to kill me.
  • BOY "I didn't do it! I didn't break the vase".
    The boy DENIED having broken/breaking the vase.
  • TOMAS "Sorry y'all! I didn't bring the bravas".
    Tomas APOLOGISED for not bringing/having brought the  bravas.
  • “If I were you, I would sell my  tickets to the black market" Harry told Marta.
    Harry SUGGESTED/RECOMMENDED selling the tickets.
  • GUI: "I won't eat this crap"
    Gui REFUSED to eat that crap.
  • CARLA"Maria, I think you should go on a holiday".
    Carla SUGGESTED that Maria go on a holiday // Carla RECOMMENDED going on a holiday // Carla SUGGESTED a holiday
  • "I wish I didn't work here", ZAYN said.
    Zayn REGRETTED working  there.
  • "Password, say or die", the robbers said to Carla
    The robbers THREATENED to kill Carla.
  • "Would you like a cuppa?" King Charles said.
    King Charles OFFERED to brew a cuppa.
  • "It's Carla. She murdered my husband last night", she told the police.
    She ACCUSED Carla OF murdering her husband the previous night. // She BLAMED  Helen FOR murdering her husband.