
2nd: Characteristics of Vertebrate and Invertebr ...

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  • What do mammals grow on their skin?
    Mammals grow hair or fur.
  • Where do fish live?
    All fish live in water.
  • Do fish lay eggs or give birth to babies?
    Fish lay eggs (oviparous).
  • What do fish have on their skin?
    Fish have scales.
  • What group is this animal in?
    It’s an arthropod. (Invertebrate)
  • What group is this animal in?
    It’s a fish. (Vertebrate).
  • What group is this animal in?
    It’s a bird. (Vertebrate)
  • Do mammals lay eggs or they give birth to babies?
    Mammals give birth to babies (viviparous).
  • What group is this animal in?
    It’s an amphibian. (Vertebrate)
  • TRUE or FALSE: No mammals can fly.
    FALSE: Mammals move in different ways.
  • What do birds have on their skin?
    Birds have feathers.
  • Have most invertebrates got a soft body or a hard body?
    Most have got a hard body. (*In the book)
  • Do fish breathe with lungs or with gills?
    Fish breathe with gills.
  • What type of skin have amphibians got?
    Amphibians have got moist skin / wet skin.
  • TRUE of FALSE: Some arthropods have got tentacles.
    FALSE: Some mollluscs have got tentacles.
  • TRUE or FALSE: Mammals only live on land.
    FALSE: Mammals live in different habitats.
  • Where do amphibians live?
    Amphibians live on land and in the water.
  • Do birds lay eggs or give birth to babies?
    Birds lay eggs (oviparous).
  • Do amphibians lay eggs or give birth to babies?
    Amphibians lay eggs.
  • What mouth do birds have?
    Birds have a beak.
  • What group is this animal in?
    It’s an Arthropod. (Invertebrate)
  • TRUE or FALSE: Amphibians only breathe with gills
    FALSE: Amphibians breathe with gills when they are babies and lungs when they are adults.
  • What group is this animal in?
    It’s an arthropod. (Invertebrate)
  • What do reptiles have on their skin?
    Reptiles have scales.
  • How many legs have birds got?
    Birds have got two legs.
  • What are the five groups of vertebrates?
    Mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.
  • Do reptiles lay eggs or give birth to babies?
    Reptiles lay eggs (oviparous).
  • What are animals without a backbone?
    They are invertebrates.
  • What are invertebrates with hard bodies that mostly live on land? They have got six or more legs.
    They are arthropods.
  • How many wings have birds got?
    They have got 2 wings.
  • Is a whale a mammal or a fish?
    It's a mammal.
  • What group is this animal in?
    It’s a Mollusc. ( invertebrate)
  • What are animals that have got a skeleton?
    They are vertebrates.
  • What do baby mammals drink?
    They drink milk.
  • What do birds use to fly?
    Birds use wings.
  • Do reptiles breathe with lungs or with gills?
    Reptiles breathe with lungs.
  • Living things needs __________, ____________, and ___________.
    Oxygen, food, and water.
  • What group is this animal in?
    It’s a mollusc. (Invertebrate)
  • What group is this animal in?
    It’s a reptile.  (Vertebrate)
  • Is a dolphin a mammal or a fish?
    It's a mammal.
  • What are the invertebrates the with soft bodies that mostly live in water? Some have got shells and some have got tentacles.
    They are called molluscs.
  • What do fish use to swim?
    They use fins.