
Context Clue Vocab

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  • Fragile ; "Be careful with that glass lamp, it's very fragile!"
    Easy to break or damage ; delicate
  • Drenched ; "I fell in the stream and got drenched."
    Wet, soaked
  • Prefer ; "I prefer chocolate ice cream instead of vanilla, chocolate is my favorite."
    To like (one thing or person) better than other ; tend to choose.
  • Elderly ; "She was an elderly woman with a wrinkled face and silver hair."
    (About a person) Old or aged
  • Minimum ; "The minimum you can pay to enter the museum is 5.00 dollars. All other tickets are more expensive."
    The smallest or least amount
  • Sore ; "My thumb was sore after I banged it on the kitchen table."
    Painful ; aching
  • Identical ; "Those twins looked completely identical in their matching outfits!"
    Exactly the same ; matching in detail
  • Obvious ; "The test was so easy, all the answers were obvious."
    Easy to understand ; apparent
  • Confirm ; "I have to call and confirm my Doctor's appointment to let him know I'm coming today."
    Establish as true or definite
  • Temporary ; "The duct tape is just a temporary fix for the broken window. We will get a new window installed next week."
    Not permanent ; just for a short time
  • Flexible ; "This ruler is so flexible, look how far I can bend it without breaking!"
    Bendy, stretchy