
Let’s talk about ALIENS

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  • Lose 25 points
    So sad ;(
  • Do you believe people who say they were abducted (= kidnapped) by aliens? Why would aliens do this?
    Good answer!
  • In movies, aliens are often seen as enemies invading the Earth. Do you think this is a likely scenario?
    Good answer!
  • What would you do if a spaceship landed in your garden or near your house?
    Good answer!
  • Which three questions would you ask an alien if you ever had the chance?
    Good answer!
  • Do you think there are aliens somewhere in the universe? Explain.
    Good answer!
  • If the government discovered aliens, do you think they would tell the public? Explain.
    Good answer!
  • Do you think aliens are likely to be friendly or unfriendly? Explain.
    Good answer!
  • What is your favourite film about aliens?
    Good answer!
  • Have you ever seen a UFO? Do you believe the people who claim to have seen one? Why or why not?
    Good answer!
  • In your opinion, would aliens be more intelligent and advanced than humans? If so, in what way?
    Good answer!
  • Do you think we will ever be able to visit another planet populated by alien life?
    Good answer!
  • What would you say to an alien if you met one?
    Good answer!
  • Have you ever heard of Area 51? What is it? Do research.
    Good answer!
  • Do you think we will ever see aliens in our lifetime? Why or why not?
    Good answer!
  • Win 25 points
    So lucky ;)
  • Lose 20 points
    So pity!!!!
  • Win 20 points
    God blessed you!!!
  • If aliens visited Earth, what would they say about our planet and people when they returned home?
    Good answer!