
Grade 5 English Language and Grammar Review

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  • Is the following sentence a declarative, imperative, interrogative or exclamatory sentence? : You should wash your hands before you eat
  • identify the common nouns in this sentence: My mom and my sister are visiting Granny Pat at the park this afternoon.
    mom, sister, park, afternoon
  • Identify the prepositional phrase in the following sentence: during the holidays Sam went skiing
    during the holidays
  • Which of the following is a run on sentence? : a) Bob and I like playing rugby b) the crossing guard's job is important he stops traffic for us c) My brother thinks some of the games my friends play are silly
  • Identify the prepositional phrase in the following sentence: James walked to the shop early in the morning
    in the morning
  • Identify the prepositional phrase in the following sentence: Jason put his books into his bag
    into his bag
  • Is the following sentence simple or compound? : The dogs are getting washed today.
  • identify the proper nouns in this sentence: James and I wanted to go to New York for our Christmas holidays.
    James, New York, Christmas
  • Write these words as plural : dress, coin, fish
    dresses, coins, fish
  • What does the idiom "to jump on the bandwagon" mean?
    means to follow the crowd and join in
  • the prefix "trans" means across, through or change. What words have the prefix "trans"?
    translate, transport, transpose, transition, transfer, transplant etc.
  • Is the following sentence a declarative, imperative, interrogative or exclamatory sentence? : The dogs at the pet sore are so cute!
    declarative, could also be exclamatory
  • What does the word "transpose" mean? a) to exchange money b) see through c) change places or switch around d) write or say in another language
    change places or switch around
  • Is the following sentence simple or compound? : the pirate lost his treasure map, but he found the treasure anyway
  • What is an example of a DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN
    that, this, those, these
  • which of the following is an adverb? : a) round b) slowly c) grumpy d) over