
Food Trivia!

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  • Green on the outside, red on the inside. What am I? (Guava / Watermelon)
    Watermelon, juicy on the hot day!
  • Mushroom contains a lot of ___________ (salt / water)
    Water, it's 90% water!
  • What fruit fell on Isaac Newton's head? (Orange / Apple)
    Apple! Ouch!
  • What is the most popular food in the world? (Pizza / Spaghetti)
    Pizza, you can find it everywhere!
  • Which fruit can become a vegetable? (Tomato / Chilli)
    Tomato! A spy in the kitchen!
  • Which country drinks the most tea? (United Kingdom / Turkey)
    Turkey, they LOVE tea!
  • What fruit has a very hard outer shell and water inside? (Coconut / Durian)
  • What vegetable looks like mini trees? (Broccoli / Cauliflower)
    Broccoli, look at how cute it is!
  • Which country invented ice cream? (China / Japan)
    China, by packing a milk and rice mizture into the snow.
  • What sweet substance comes from bees? (Sugar / Honey)
    Honey, busy busy bees!
  • Beef is the meat of a ___________ (Cow / Goat)
    A cow, a goat's meat is called mutton.
  • I am made from potatoes and people love me. What am I? (Popcorn / French fries)
    French fries
  • Chocolate is made from ___________ fruit? (cocoa / coconut)
    Cocoa fruit, and it comes from a tall tree!
  • What part of a plant becomes the fruit? (Seed / Flower)
    The flower!
  • Which fruit has its seeds outside? (Grapes / Strawberry)
    Strawberry and their beautiful freckles!
  • What fruit grows on trees as bunches? (Grapes / Bananas)
    Bananas! Grapes grow on vines.
  • Which cheese is made from the milk of a buffalo? (Cheddar / Mozzarella)
    Mozzarella on the pizza! Yum!
  • Which pizza toppings is the most popular in the world? (Chicken / Pepperoni)
  • What was the original colour of carrots? (Purple / Green)
  • Which fruit has the largest seed in the middle?
  • A calamari is a __________ (fish / squid)
    Squid, you can fry it. Yum!
  • What food gets stolen the most? (Cakes / Cheese)
    Cheesy cheese!