
A1/2 Personality Adjectives

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  • My friend Rainia is very ______ . She is good at learning things.
    Clever / smart / intelligent
  • Karen loves meeting new people and chatting.
    friendly / sociable
  • These boys are so _____. They never say 'please' or 'thank you' and they are not nice to strangers.
    rude / impolite
  • My neighbour is a _____ person. She always helps everyone.
    kind / generous
  • What is the opposite of boring? (not funny)
  • It is good to be a ______ person. Say 'Good morning' and 'Have a good day' and 'thank you'
  • What is the opposite of nice?
    mean / unkind
  • Karen is _____. She loves telling people what to do.
  • Henry is very ____. He gets nervous around other people and doesn't like speaking in public.
  • Mary is a very ____ girl. She smiles all the time to us.
    nice / happy 
  • My dad works a lot. He is a _________ person.
  • Ginny is a very ____ person. She loves doing sport and is always keeping busy and moving around.
  • Suzzy always makes us laugh. She is so _____.
  • Mike is quite _______. He never laughs or makes any jokes.
    boring / serious
  • Our teacher gets very ____ when someone doesn't listen to him.
  • Kim is _____. She doesn't usually talk much or answer questions in class.
  • What is the opposite of sociable?
    unfriendly / anti-social / shy
  • Tim never does his housework or homework. He’s so _____