
History (B1)

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  • Can you think of 5 important historic events in Human History?
    Ex: The discovery of fire, invention of the wheel, invention of electricity, discovery of penicillin, discovery of DNA, etc.
  • Where did the Cold War take place?
    in Europe
  • In what country was Galileo Galilei born?
  • How do you spell the name of this creature?
  • Where was Cleopatra from?
  • Compare the theory of evolution and the theory of creation
  • When was the Moon Landing?
    in 1969
  • What happened to the dinosaurs?
    Evidences suggest that an asteroid impact was responsible for their extinction.
  • Can you tell us the names of 5 important historic figures?
    Possible Answers: Einstein, Napoleon Bonaparte, Jesus, Shakespeare, Aristotle, Socrates, Hitler, Lenin, etc.
  • In which year did Adolf Hitler supposedly commit suicide?
  • Compare the 1st World War and the 2nd World War
  • Describe this person without saying his name
    Adolf Hitler
  • Who was the first man to walk on the moon?
    Neil Armstrong
  • Medusa was a famous character from which mythology?
    Greek mythology
  • How many Industrial Revolutions has humanity had so far?
    4 Industrial Revolutions
  • When did the 2nd World War end?
    in 1945
  • Who was the first African-American President of the USA?
    Barack Obama
  • Galileo Galilei is considered to be the father of what?
    The father of modern science
  • Describe these monuments without saying its name
  • Who was the first woman President in Brazil?
    Dilma Rousseff
  • How do you spell the name of this human invention?
  • Describe this creature without saying its name
  • Compare matches and lighter
  • Who explored the Theory of Natural Selection?
    Charles Darwin
  • When do Brazilians celebrate Independence Day?
    September, 7th