
Australia Day Trivia

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  • This is the Australian flag.
    False. That is the New Zealand flag.
  • Australia has a population of 26 million people.
    True. In comparison, New Zealand has a population of almost 5 million people.
  • Sydney is the capital city.
    False. It is the biggest city. The capital city is Canberra.
  • There are more than 10 types of spiders that can kill humans in Australia.
    False. There are only two types with lethal bites. However, only one person has died in the last 40 years.
  • In Australia, we call these 'sunnies'.
    True. Australians make many words shorter.
  • There are 17 beaches in Sydney.
    False. There are more than 100 beaches.
  • All Australian students wear school uniforms.
    True. Students usually have a summer uniform, a winter uniform and a sports uniform.
  • Koalas eat all types of eucalyptus leaves.
    False. There are more than 600 types of eucalyptus trees. Koalas are picky eaters and they only eat some types.
  • Australia is 12 times bigger than Spain.
    False. It is 15 times bigger than Spain. It is equal to 76% of Europe.
  • A baby kangaroo is called a 'billy'.
    False. It is called a 'joey'. In Australia, a 'billy' is a tin cooking pot with a lid and a handle.
  • It takes one week to drive around Australia without stopping.
    False. This route is 17,100 km. It takes 244 hours (10 days and 4 hours) without stopping.
  • The largest type of kangaroos can weigh up to 65 kg.
    False. Some male kangaroos can weigh up to 90 kg.
  • There are more kangaroos than people in Australia.
    True. There are 50 million kangaroos in Australia.
  • The first European explorers in Australia were from England.
    False. The first European explorers were from the Netherlands.
  • Spanish explorers were in Australia in 1606.
    True. Luís Váez de Torres sailed through the Torres Strait Islands in 1606. He travelled from Peru to the Philippines.
  • It takes 2.5 hours to fly from Sydney to Perth.
    False. It takes 4 hours and 55 minutes.
  • Australia Day is on the first Friday of February.
    False. It is on the 26th of January. This year (2024) it is on a Friday.
  • You can go skiing in Australia.
    True. The Australian Alps get more snowfall than all of Switzerland.
  • People lived in Australia 50,000 years ago.
    True. Indigenous Australians have been there for around 65,000 years.
  • In Australia we use pounds (£).
    False. We use Australian Dollars ($). The notes are made of plastic, not paper.