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  • Is laughing a sign of an allergic reaction?
  • What are some non-food allergies?
    Dust, types of medicine, insect bites....
  • Should we bring foods to school that contain nuts?
  • True or False? Can people be allergic to insect bites?
  • What are some symptoms of a non-life threatening allergic reaction?
    Swelling, itchy rashes, redness
  • What is an allergy?
    Your body reacts to something that's normally harmless
  • What do people with life threatening allergies carry on them?
    Epi pen
  • What do you do if you think someone is having a life-threatening allergic reaction?
    Call 911
  • What are some symptoms of a life threatening allergic reaction?
    trouble breathing, stomach aches, throwing up, dizziness
  • What foods can someone be allergic to?
    Peanuts, eggs, fish, gluten.....