
Inventions and Discoveries

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  • While / Newton / sit / under a tree, / an apple / fall / on his head.
    While Newton was sitting under a tree, an apple fell on his head.
  • Alexander Fleming ________ (study) influenza when he ________ (discover) penicillin.
    Alexander Fleming was studying influenza when he discovered penicillin
  • James Watson and Francis Crick _________ (work) together when they _______ (find) the double-helix DNA.
    James Watson and Francis Crick were working together when they found the double-helix DNA.
  • How do you say in English "Ella estudió ayer"?
    She studied yesterday
  • How do you say in English "Ella estaba estudiando ayer"?
    She was studying yesterday.
  • How do you say in English "Mientras ellos estaban leyendo, la maestra comió una manzana"?
    While the were reading, the teacher ate an apple.
  • We use past _______________ after "when"
  • How do you say in English "Yo estaba jugando videojuegos cuando mi mamá se fue al trabajo"?
    I was playing video games when my mom went to work
  • We use past _______________ after "while"
  • Percy Spencer__________ (experiment) with a magnetron, when he _________ (realize) the potential of the magnetron.
    Percy Spencer was experimenting with a magnetron when he realized the potential of this.
  • While Marie Curie _________ (work) in Paris, she _______ (find) a new element: Polonium.
    While Marie Curie was working in Paris, she found a new element: Polonium.
  • Gustav Eiffel ______ (build) the Eiffel tower in 1889.
    Gustav Eiffel built the Eiffel tower in 1889.