
Executive Functioning

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  • Which job at the airport is like our brain?
    Air Traffic Control
  • How many executive functions did we talk about?
  • What executive function is this an example of? You pour yourself some cereal and find there's no milk in the fridge. You decide to grab a granola bar instead.
    Mental Flexibility
  • Do we use these skills everyday?
  • Are executive functions mental skills?
  • True or False- We use executive functions everyday to learn, work, and manage our daily lives.
  • What are the three executive functions we talked about?
    Working Memory, Self Control, Mental Flexibility
  • What can you tell me about Self Control?
    The ability to stop on an impulse- or controlling your emotions or behavior.
  • What executive function is this an example of? You know the answer but instead of blurting it out you raise your hand and wait to be called on.
    Self Control
  • Could you work at the airport as an air traffic controller?
    Answers will vary :)
  • What can you tell me about Mental Flexibility?
    The ability to change what you're thinking about, or seeing problems from different angles and knowing ways solving them.
  • What does the air traffic control job look like?
    They prevent accidents on the runway, tell the planes where to go, and give information to the pilots.
  • What executive function is this an example of? You learned so much in Biology class this week. You do well on your test because you remembered what you learned.
    Working Memory
  • True or False- If we don't have executive functioning skills, thats fine
    False! Without these skills it may be difficult to focus, and control our behavior and emotions.
  • What can you tell me about working memory?
    Its how and where the brain stores information. Storing information in our brain and putting it to use when we need it!
  • Which executive functioning skill do you think you do best?
    Answers will vary :)