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  • We didn't work during the holidays. We have a lot of work now.
    If we had worked during the holidays, we wouldn't have so much work now.
  • What would you do if a meteorite was coming to Earth?
    If a meteorite was coming to Earth, I would...
  • I went to the party last night. I saw my ex.
    If I hadn't gone to the party last night, I wouldn't have seen my ex.
  • Zero conditional is used to...
    To express general truths of habits.
  • If World War II _______ (happen), the world would _______ (be) a better place.
    If World War II hadn't happened, the world would have been a better place.
  • If I _______ (be) you, I would get a new job
    If I were/was you, I would get a new job
  • If you _________ (not be) late, we would ________ (not miss) the bus.
    If you hadn't been late, we wouldn't have missed the bus.
  • What would you do if you found a toad in your bathroom?
    If I found a toad in my bathroom, I would.....
  • I didn't pay the mafia. The mafia is following me.
    If you don't pay the mafia, it will follow you.
  • If you _____(do not) exercise, you _____ get fat.
    If you don't exercise, you get fat.
  • I didn't bring a calculator. I didn't pass the math exam.
    If I don't bring a calculator, I won't pass the math exam.
  • If you _____ (not study), you ______ (not pass).
    If you don't study, you will not pass.
  • Disney bought Star Wars. All new content is very bad.
    If Disney hadn't bought Star Wars, the content wouldn't be bad.
  • If I married someone famous, I ___________(become) rich.
    If I married someone famous, I would become rich.
  • Solve this equation:
    x=-1, x=2, x=3
  • I would _______ (sleep) more if school ____ (be) so stressing.
    I would sleep more if school wasn't so stressing.
  • If humans ______ (can travel) faster than light, we would ______ (meet) other alien species.
    If humans could travel faster than light, we would have met other alien species. 
  • What happens if you mix blue and yellow?
    If you mix blue and yellow, you get green.
  • Covid wouldn't __________ (happen) if China _________ (be) more careful.
    Covid wouldn't have happened if China had been more careful.
  • If you ____(travel) to North Korea, you _____ (disapear).
    If you travel to North Korea, you disapear.
  • If you were god, what would you do?
    If I was god, I would...
  • Third conditional is used to...
    To express things that didn't happen in the past and their immaginary result.
  • First conditional is used to...
    To express possible or likely things in the future.
  • Second conditional is used to...
    To express impossible things in the present or unlikely things in the future.