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  • big/small/fast ( dog 1 or dog 2)
    Dog 1 is smaller than Dog 2.
  • heavy/big/fast (the plane or the bicycle)
    The plane is heavier than the bicycle. The plane is longer than the bicycle. The plane is bigger than the bicycle. The plane is faster than the bicycle.
  • long, short (the snake 1 or the snake2 )
    Snake 1 is longer than snake 2.
  • cold ( the juice or the tea)
    The juice is colder than the tea
  • short (Tim or Jack)
    Tim is shorter than Jack.
  • tall, sweet (the ice cream or the lime)
    The ice cream is taller than the lime. The ice cream is sweeter than the lime.
  • big (the basketball or the orange ball)
    The basketball is bigger than the orange ball.
  • hard (the rock or the pillows)
    The rock is harder than the pillows.
  • new ( the white chair or the brown chair)
    The white chair is newer than the brown  chair.
  • slow/small/fast (tortoise/hare)
    The turtle is slower than the rabbit. The turtle is smaller than the rabbit.
  • heavy (the oranges or the apples)
    The oranges are heavier than the apples.
  • young (Karl or Eric)
    Karl is younger than Eric.
  • small (the mouse or the elephant)
    The mouse is smaller than the elephant.