
Mixed Conditionals First

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  • We left our umbrellas at home. Now we're soaked!
    If we hadn’t left our umbrellas at home, we wouldn’t be soaked.
  • You don’t pay attention. You made so many mistakes.
    If you paid attention, you wouldn’t have made so many mistakes.
  • He drives recklessly. He crashed the car into a tree.
    If he didn't drive recklessly, he wouldn’t have crashed the car into the tree.
  • I didn’t book seats. We can’t go to the concert tonight.
    If I had booked the seats, we could go to the concert tonight.
  • He didn’t train every day. He won’t win the race.
    If he had trained every day, he would win the race.
  • Susan is inexperienced. She didn’t take the job.
    If she was experienced, she would have taken the job.
  • I’m not going to have a day off tomorrow because my boss asked me to go on a business trip.
    If my boss hadn’t asked me to go on a business trip, I’d have a day off tomorrow.
  • Helen speaks French fluently because she lived in Paris for eight years.
    If Helen hadn’t lived in Paris for eight years, she wouldn’t speak French fluently
  • He didn’t take the medication, so he is sick now.
    If he’d taken the medication, he wouldn’t be sick now.
  • They didn’t eat any breakfast. They’re hungry now.
    If they had eaten, they wouldn’t be so hungry now.
  • Paul and Marie aren’t at the party. They weren’t invited
    Paul and Marie would be at the party if they had been invited.
  • I don’t know him very well. I didn’t invite him to my party.
    If I knew him very well, I would have invited him to the party.
  • She isn’t at the meeting because she wasn’t told about it.
    She would be at the meeting if she had been told about it.
  • She can’t use her credit card today. The bank blocked it.
    She could use (be using) her credit card today if the bank hadn’t blocked it
  • His sister is so extravagant; she spent most of her money on clothes and expensive restaurants
    If his sister weren’t so extravagant, she wouldn’t have spent most of her last money on clothes and expensive restaurants.
  • Bill has a gambling problem. He's lost everything!
    If Bill didn't have a gambling problem he wouldn't have lost everything.
  • Alex rescued a woman with a child from a burning house; he is an incredibly brave man
    Alex wouldn’t have rescued a woman with a child from a burning house if he weren’t an incredibly brave man.