
The Kidnapped King

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  • Where is Sammi from?
  • Why do you think Sammi expected someone to dress him?
  • What did Sammi leave a trail of so the kids could follow it?
  • Why did Dink get called into Mr Dillon's office?
  • What does Sammi ask when Dink gives him clothes to change into? A: Who will dress me? B: Where is the royal robe? C: Where are my gold slippers? D: He doesn't ask anything.
  • Who are Loretta and Pal?
  • The author used the expression "they sang like little birds"at the end of the story when he talked about the criminals. What does that mean?
  • How did Dink make the connection with the glass pieces to Joan? A: He remebered yellow in French sounds like Joan. B: The word for glass sounds like Joan in Sammi's language. C: Ruth Rose made the connection, not Dink. D:None of it
  • Why do you think Mrs. Klinker inspected Sammi's bedroom and bathroom so carefully?
  • Make an inference, why DEAR is Dink's favorite time?
  • Where does Dink meet Sammi? A: In Mrs. Eagle's class during DEAR B: In Mr. Dillon's office C: In the nurse's office D: His mother introduces them after school.
  • What did Dink say in the morning before he entered Sammi's room?
    Rise and shine!
  • Why was Sammi crying?
  • The main character, Dink, has a nickname. What is his real name? Provide the evidence.
  • Why the kids think that the yellow pieces of glass are from kaleidoscope?
  • Who helps the kids follow the trail of clues left by Sammi? A: Josh's dog Pal. B: Ruth Rose's Pony. C: Dink's dog Sherlock D: Nat, Ruth Rose's brother.
  • Who is Joan Klinker?
  • Who is Sammi?