
YLS1 U2 turning points

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  • to say no
    refuse (v)
  • to be able to use or obtain something such as a service
    access (v) --> Older people may have difficulty accessing medical services.
  • normal people = người thường
    ordinary people (n.phr)
  • to show that you disagree with something
    to protest (v)
  • = the act of sailing all the way around the world (đi vòng quanh (thế giới) bằng thuyền buồm)
    circumnavigation (noun)
  • to finally agree to what someone wants, after refusing for a period of time = từ bỏ
    to give in
  • without violence
    peaceful (adj)
  • = the time when an important change takes place (bước ngoặt)
    turning point (noun phrase)
  • = to put someone in prison (bắt giữ / bắt giam)
    to arrest (v)
  • to design and/or create something that has never been made before
    invent (v)
  • happens very quickly
    rapid progress (n.phr)
  • = a struggle for justice and equality for African Americans that took place mainly in the 1950s and 1960s = Phong trào dân quyền
    civil rights movement (n.phr)
  • = an act of saying 'No' (sự từ chối, lời từ chối)
    refusal (n)
  • finally
    eventually (adv)