
Everybody Up Unit 6 Lesson 2

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  • If we...
    If we dry our clothes outside, we'll conserve energy.
  • If he...
    If he installs a low-flow shower head, he'll conserve water.
  • If we...
    If we unplug our chargers, we'll conserve energy.
  • If we... (choose one in the picture)
  • If he...
    If he dries his clothes outside, he'll conserve energy.
  • If we...
    If we take reusable shopping bags, we'll conserve energy.
  • If we...
    If we clean the AC filter monthly, we'll conserve energy.
  • If we...
    If we take public transportation, we'll conserve energy.
  • If he...
    If he closes blinds in the summer, he'll conserve energy.
  • If we...
    If we install an energy-efficient air-conditioner, we'll conserve energy.
  • If we...
    If we use energy-saving light bulbs, we'll conserve energy.
  • If we...
    If we choose an energy-efficient fridge, we'll conserve energy.
  • If we... (choose one in the picture)
  • If we...
    If we choose a cold-wash, we'll conserve energy.
  • If we...
    If we use energy-saving light bulbs, we'll conserve energy.
  • If she...
    If she takes reusable shopping bags, she'll conserve energy.
  • If we...
    If we keep the heater on low, we'll conserve energy.
  • If they...
    If they grow their own vegetable, they'll conserve energy.
  • If we...
    If we grow our own vegetables, we'll conserve energy.
  • If he...
    If he takes reusuable shopping bags, he'll conserve energy. 
  • If we...
    If we take public transportation, we'll conserve energy.
  • If he...
    If he uses energy-saving light bulbs, he'll conserve energy.