
Gentle Confrontation

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  • You go to a restaurant and find that your chicken is red on the inside
    Simply show the waiter your chicken in a quiet polite manner
  • Your co-worker has been using your coffee cup every day at work. It's never available for you.
    Kindly let them know that the cup is yours.
  • A person at work is saying unkind words about other people you work with.
    Tell the person you don't like gossip.
  • Your library book is about to be over due. You'd like to renew the book. What do you say to the librarian and what should you bring with you?
    I'd like to renew my book please. It's called ....  (Bring your library card)
  • Someone at school tells you to buy them lunch. This person is someone you see in class and you don't spend time together outside of class.
    Answers will vary
  • Someone calls saying they are from the government and you have to give your social insurance number.
    You say that you are not supposed to tell anyone your social security number and you hang up the phone. 
  • Your friend is having a special party the same night that you usually visit your Dad
    Ask your Dad is you could visit a different day that week
  • Your family members like to watch hockey and you like to watch basketball. Tonight the games are both happening at the same time!
  • A sales person calls to offer you a better price on a phone. You are happy with your phone and you are not interested in a new one.
    Answers will vary
  • You would like to order a pizza. What steps will you take to do that?
    1.  Search for nearby pizza restaurants that deliver pizza. 2. Order online or call the restaurant 3. Be prepared to answer the door and accept the order.
  • Your favorite restaurant is playing music too loud. You can't hear your friend speak and you went there to have chat.
    Ask the waiter if they could turn the music down.
  • Someone at work asks if they can borrow your T-shirt some time. You don't spend time with this person outside of work.
    Tell them you don't lend out your clothes.
  • You get a call from an unfamiliar number. When you answer someone wants you to take a survey.  What can you say?
    Tell them no thank you and goodbye before hanging up the phone. 
  • Someone keeps talking close to you with bad breath.
    Offer them a mint or a piece of gum
  • You made yourself a nice lunch, but its not in the fridge when it's time to go to work. Someone ate your lunch!
    Answers will vary
  • You have a neighbor on campus who plays music so loud at night, that you can't always sleep.
    Let him know in a conversation that his music is keeping you up. If he doesn't stop, tell the floor Dawn
  • Your roommate broke your hairbrush and then hid it under her pillow.
    Tell her that you know that she broke the brush because you saw it. Then talk about it.
  • Someone calls and asks you to give money to charity
    You decline as it's not safe to send money to people you don't know
  • Someone calls to sell you a new phone.
    Tell them "no thank you" and hang up.