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  • Describe your perfect location for relaxing
    Students' own answers
  • What are three things that you must do every day?
    Students' own answers.
  • Clothes colour you never wear.
    Students' own answers.
  • Which do you prefer: books or movies? Why?
    Students' own answers.
  • What was the last book you read?
    Students' own answers.
  • I can't stand ...
    Students' own answers.
  • Tell the rest of the class about something you have never done but you would like to.
    Students' own answers.
  • Which has been your best holiday?
    Students' own answers.
  • What is your dream job?
    Students' own answers.
  • Describe yourself using one word.
    Students' own answers.
  • Name three things you don't like.
    Students' own answers.
  • Are you more productive in the morning or in the evening?
    Students' own answers.
  • Cats or dogs?
    Students' own answers.