
Winter Intensives Vocab #3

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  • After getting new glasses, the world was finally _____ to the student.
    discernible (adj)
  • He ____ picked an answer for a multiple choice question because it was something he forgot.
    tentatively (adv)
  • The group of friends that went inside the deserted house heard a ____ from across the dark hallway.
    din (n)
  • The winning baseball team _____ raised their trophy.
    triumphantly (adv)
  • After your recover from being sick where you have a cough, your throat will often be very _____.
    hoarse (adj)
  • The doctor quickly gave the ____ to the man who was bitten by a poisonous snake.
    antidote (n)
  • I ____ walked home after I found out I had failed my math test because I knew I would get in trouble once I told my parents.
    glumly (adv)
  • It is relaxing to go to a _____ place like the ocean or mountains every once in awhile.
    serene (adj)
  • The kid was in such a hurry to get ready for school, he almost forgot wear his _____.
    trousers (n)
  • The woman felt sick a few hours after eating ____ pork.
    tainted (adj)
  • I ____(ed) at my little brother for breaking my brand new toy.
    glower (v)