
ORT PreK Lesson 28 The Toy's Party

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  • What did Kipper put in the cake?
    He put in tomato sauce and cornflakes.
  • What did Kipper put in the cake?
    He put sugar and coffee.
    He put in milk and jam.
  • What was the name of today's story?
    The Toy's Party
  • What did Kipper get?
    He got his toys.
  • What did Kipper want at the beginning of the story?
    Kipper wanted a party!
  • What was Kipper wearing on his head?
    a crown
  • What was Kipper's problem at the beginning of the story?
    Nobody wanted to come to his party :(
  • Name three words with a -dge ending!
    bridge, fridge, judge....
  • How did Mum feel at the end of the story?
    Mum was cross.
  • What did Kipper put in the cake?
    He put in sugar and baked beans.
  • What did Kipper make in the story?
    He made a cake!