
Oh, that's quite interesting!

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  • How can a naked mole-rat be useful in medicine?
    It is remarkable for its longevity and its resistance to cancer and oxygen deprivation.
  • How much is a human body worth? (at least an approximate number, if you don't know this obvious fact)
    Entire human body Including all organs, bones, muscles, ligaments, etc: $45,000,000
  • People of which profession usually suffer from hero syndrome?
  • Where did Leonardo da Vinci come from?
    Leonardo was actually born in, or near, Vinci - a city in the Italian region of Tuscany (hence the phrase after his name 'da Vinci' meaning 'from Vinci'.
  • What was the idea behind the 'Vitruvian man'?
    The idea was to fit a human in a circle and in a square The description in De Architectura mentions that the perfect form of the human body could “be made to fi
  • Who is the fastest human runner?
    Usain Bolt? Wrooong! A fossilized footprint in Australia shows that there was an ancient man, who was able to run 28 k/h, when Bolt can only run as fast as 27.
  • Why is Neanderthals called Neanderthals?
    Because the type specimen, Neanderthal 1, was found in 1856 in the Neander Valley in present-day Germany.
  • What can buzzing mosquitoes give you? (which disease?)
    A lot of people think it's malaria, but the mosquitoes that you hear can only give you yellow fever, which is also quite unpleasant.
  • What part of our body evolved faster?
  • How many neurons are in human brain?
    86 billion! Can you imagine?! However, we lose 14 billion neurons overnight.